The great HUMANtogether performance at Theater Bremen, which is now available on film, was a powerful signal for more humanity.
Following intensive rehearsals with Wilfried van Poppel, Amaya Lubeigt & team (DE LooPERSdance2gether), 120 participants from different countries performed each of the 13 HUMAN themes in Bremen at the beginning of February 2024. Conducted by Julio Fernández, the international Ensemble Konsonanz, Elbtonal Percussion and John Kameel Farah (piano) presented the HUMAN music by Helge Burggrabe.
Since the HUMAN Community Dance premiere in Bremen/Brussels-Molenbeek in 2021, there have been many projects. Directed by Wilfried van Poppel and Amaya Lubeigt, more than 3,000 participants in six countries have taken part in their ‘HUMAN-Five Days to Dance’ projects in schools, universities, municipal institutions and prisons.
Watch more HUMAN films here.