Following three intense HUMAN dance project days, the day finally arrived on 11 October 2024: 60 pupils from Gebhard Community School in Konstanz performed an expressive dance interpretation of three HUMAN themes – ‘Birth’, ‘Equality’ and ‘Death’ – in front of an enthusiastic audience.
Beforehand, under the creative guidance of choreographers Nina Baldinger, Susanne Eule and Danilo Borchardt, they had worked creatively on these topics of humanity and HUMAN music. ‘During the rehearsals, there were numerous funny but also poignant moments that not only strengthened the sense of community, but also created a deeper understanding of each other and the topics covered,’ says teacher Tami Ollhäuser, who led the HUMAN project days at the community school.
The HUMAN dance project days were organised by the school team to link the topic of sustainability, which was at the centre of a project week in summer, with dimensions of human rights.
The Gebhard Community School received generous support for these HUMAN project days as part of Project Culture from the Neumayer Foundation.