International Culture project


With music and dance for more humanity!

Als spendenbasiertes, zivilgesellschaftliches Kulturprojekt begeistern wir mit Musik und Tanz für ein friedliches Miteinander in Respekt, Freiheit, Toleranz und Mitverantwortung. Jede:r ist herzlich eingeladen, mitzuwirken. Grundlage ist die HUMAN Musik für Orchester und Percussion, bei deren Komposition sich der Komponist und Projektinitiator Helge Burggrabe von den 30 UN-Menschenrechten inspirieren ließ.

As a donation-based, civil society cultural project, we use music and dance to inspire peaceful coexistence in respect, freedom, tolerance and shared responsibility. Everyone is cordially invited to participate. The basis is HUMAN music for orchestra and percussion, the composition of which was inspired by the 30 UN human rights.

Especially now we need humanity more than ever, for encouragement,
to strengthen us, to bring us closer together emotionally."

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier about HUMAN

Gemeinsam mit Choreograph:innen, Musiker:innen sowie Pädagog:innen verbinden wir seit 2020 Musik, Community Dance, Literatur und Lichtkunst im HUMAN International Culture Project. Seitdem wurden in mehr als 60 verschiedenen Einzelprojekten und Aufführungen Räume für Teilhabe und gesellschaftliches Engagement auf Basis der UN-Menschenrechte eröffnet.

"It's absolutely necessary and at the same time a wonderful opportunity, to use the universal language and power of music to set many clear and powerful signs for more humanity and peaceful coexistence across all borders."

Project initiator and composer Helge Burggrabe

Play video

HUMAN International Culture Project- Project goals and impressions of the Community Dance premiere at the Bremen Theatre

Next date:

27 Jul
14:00 - 18:00

Workshop with HUMAN Music

Getting active for more humanity

Anyone can get involved with us together.

For choreographers and dance companies

our team of choreographers presents the script written for the Community Dance premiere at Theater Bremen. Dancing HUMAN available for free


For educators


we offer two free HUMAN scripts as a support for the realization of own projects.


For conductors and orchestra


we mediate the HUMAN score for free use


In addition, we enable individual support for the implementation of own projects.

Together for coexistence in respect,
tolerance and co-responsibility!

Together for coexistence in respect, tolerance and co responsibility!

Supporting HUMAN

We would like to support as many projects as possible that set signs for more humanity with music, dance and creativity. As a purely donation-based, non-profit project, we are happy about every donation (tax-deductible).

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